in a land far far away,
a twinkle-eyed girl and her best friend
were ready to embark on their first adventure together in the big city of London ♥

and the fact that they did not bring an umbrella an annoying one.
Despite the gloomy weather, they both ventured out anyway
into this huge market place called the Portobello Market ♥

and started their long journey through it.
There they found tonnes of people who seemed to have come
with the same purpose in mind ♥

from having the best time of their lives ♥

marvelled at vintage jewelry and antiques,
fresh fruits and greens around them,
and in the midst of it all,
the girl insisted on going in to the hummingbird bakery
though it was packed, filled with people ♥

as they regretfully reached the end of the Market ♥

From the market, they headed to another magical place called the Regent's Park.
The girl was truly excited when they first arrived,
so amazed she was at the sight of rows and rows of roses ♥
The heady scent of roses filled the air and a smile was etched permanently in her heart
throughout the whole day.
The boy and the girl took their time to explore the gardens,
stopping to smell the different coloured (so many shades of red, pink, peach, yellow, white, etc),
and special, beautifully named roses along the way ♥

There, they had the sweetest little picnic of their own,
tasting the strawberry rose cupcake (AMAZING!) and
juicy strawberries that they had bought at the market earlier.
As they sat down to admire the view,
they glimpsed a bridal party capturing their beautiful moments at the park
and this brought warmth into their hearts ♥

After the delightful meal, they continued to explore the Japanese gardens
and found little ducks swimming in the lake.
The girl wanted to feed the ducks but alas,
they had eaten up all their food with none to spare ♥

And so it was as the day went by, they walked and walked
until evening came and their feet were too tired to take another step.
Although the girl and the boy were tired,
both their hearts were full with contentment
and they went home with beautiful rose scent
and wonderful, colourful memories of the city to store in their memory vault.
(well, to be honest, they didn't really go home,
in fact their adventure continued to the Royal Opera House
where they watched the hauntingly beautiful Ondine ballet
but that's a story for another day)
The end ♥
The girl was truly excited when they first arrived,
so amazed she was at the sight of rows and rows of roses ♥

throughout the whole day.
The boy and the girl took their time to explore the gardens,
stopping to smell the different coloured (so many shades of red, pink, peach, yellow, white, etc),
and special, beautifully named roses along the way ♥

tasting the strawberry rose cupcake (AMAZING!) and
juicy strawberries that they had bought at the market earlier.
As they sat down to admire the view,
they glimpsed a bridal party capturing their beautiful moments at the park
and this brought warmth into their hearts ♥

and found little ducks swimming in the lake.
The girl wanted to feed the ducks but alas,
they had eaten up all their food with none to spare ♥

until evening came and their feet were too tired to take another step.
Although the girl and the boy were tired,
both their hearts were full with contentment
and they went home with beautiful rose scent
and wonderful, colourful memories of the city to store in their memory vault.
(well, to be honest, they didn't really go home,
in fact their adventure continued to the Royal Opera House
where they watched the hauntingly beautiful Ondine ballet
but that's a story for another day)
The end ♥
Love this post!
Gorgeous pics and story!
You look so happy :)
Aww, you two are so cute!
Now I *really* want to make a trip down to London.
Those pictures are beautiful, and I love the narrative. :) Thanks for sharing it!
Great post! all it takes in life is the little things to make us smile.
For all things fashion:
Super cute post!
Love the photos and the little story :)
I really need to go to Portobello Market, it looks like you had a great time!
What a pretty story!! Love visting your blog its soo romantic! Sharon xx
Could you be any cuter? :)
I love that you went to the Royal Opera House. I'm going there in a couple of weeks again to see Carmen.
very beautiful post :)
You and your boyfriend are so very lovely! You are so gorgeous sitting on that bench in Regents park!!
Such a lovely day filled with wonderful memories.
great post..great pics!!!
such a cute post ^^!
Strawberry rose cupcake? omg i so wanna try tat! i'm a huge cupcake lover ;) how was it? as sweeeet as your feelings @ that moment?? :)
haha trust me my cooking skills still need improving! its great ur mum cooks homecooked food - they're filled with so much love! when i'm back hm in singapore, we eat out everyday! =S
n u're rite abt wearing flats 4 shopping! i tried shopping ard in heels (n they werent the high high heels; just teeny-weeny-bit of height) and i was screaming @ the end of the day... ;P
what a pity I can only see a couple of pictures! why is Blogger working that greatly recently? xD
thanks for your comment sweetie!
What a lovely story and great photos!
wow, that was a beautiful post! but unfortunately I didnt get to do all those things that you did in London. =(
I really wish I could go there again. and maybe stay for a much longer time. *sigh*
What a lovely true life fairy tale. And, such sweet photos too! Loved the story, girl! Just loved it!
Ahhhh...I adore your story romantic and your images are lovely! One day i too will visit that lovely city!
lovely pictures, looks like you had fun :)
wow what lovely places! i would love to visit london some day. it seems so beautiful! xo
peace & love. guys look great!
That rose garden is beautiful.
What a lovely post wit beautiful pictures! The food looks so delicious too! :)
That sounds like a perfect London story. London is my favorite city in the whole world and I love to see your view of it! You and your man look so sweet together amongst the roses!
Aww your story is adorable! I LOVE the prettiness and loveliness in this post <3
this post is so cute!!
Hello darling, please forgive me for not visiting your lovely blog this week… life was very hectic at Rose Tea Cottage!!! Hopefully things will calm down this coming week.
Have a sweet and lovely weekend.
Love & Hugs
Duchess ♥ ♥ ♥
Your Blog is so lovely. I didn't know where to post there were so many beautiful posts. I too miss Scotland. Love red lipstick but never could I stand in those heels below. xx
Nice post and lovely flowers!
what a lovely post
You've truly inspired me to save up to travel! But really, what I want to do is move there and stay there. :)
oh, how i miss your posts so much! you're a doll. that's a beautiful hat, lovely garden, and welldone depiction of your little trip! <3
OH, what a beautiful story! Very well written my love:) You`ve got a talent:)
London is my fave town...I love the people, the atmosphere and the energy of the place:)
i love that blue beret, and those pictures of the roses are abosultley stunning! that cupcake is also quite lovely too! =)
I love it when happy fairy-tales come true! Looks like you had so much fun.
Aw so beautiful =) Your story is so romantic!!!
I love this post, its oh so romantic. It sounds like an amazing day! And your photos as always are perfect. I have left you an award on my blog (because I just adore yours!) xo
looks fun! i love how the photos turned out.
Now that sounds like a lovely day! Can't wait to hear about the opera. :)
Aww I love that blue beret, so cute :)
Hi! Lovely pictures and post. You both look so happy together. At this point, you just made me the most jealous person on earth.
Stay happy always.
Thanks for the comment on my blog! u are very sweet!
and how fun, ur in london! so cool! these pics are so lovely! great post and have a great rest of ur trip! :)
what a beautiful story !! i lived it too ;-) lovely pictures dear !
Thank you! I hope you enjoy reading My sisters keeper, I read it a few weeks ago and thought it was very good. I just saw the time travellers wife in the cinema, so I might have to read it now too! Hope you have a nice weekend.xo
What a beautiful post! Sounds like a perfectly romantic day! And I love your writing! xoxoxo
what a wonderful post! i love the blue beret! so cute.
Hi there, ive just come over from Teacups and Saucers, and she is certainly right about you having gorgeous posts! I love your rose garden photos, especially the one of you on the bench. in Australia the roses are just starting to bloom. I will have to follow you to keep up with your lovely adventures :)
oh, what lovely, lovely photographs, and the words you put along with them :) wonderful. i really do believe you had a great time.
thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog too, i'm very glad you think it's inspirational <3
nice header picture :)
All of these pictures are really adorable and sweet of the two of you! And I love your beret, it looks perfect on you! :)
lovely photos!
Oh what a lovely time! I simply adore the photos in the garden, they're so lovely. xx
Oh, Portobello Market is one of my favourite places in London! Love the story and your pictures!!
What a lovely post, the photos are wonderful!Thank you for sharing these beautiful places and feelings with us:)
omggggg you two are so cute
your little date looks sooooo romantic!!! awwww so cute
Cute cute cute!! Love love love this post:)
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