Another weekend, another wedding to attend. And this was what I wore to the wedding. I'm not sure if any of you remember this "wishing for" post that I wrote a few weeks back where one of the items that I wished for is a floaty chiffon top/dress. Well, the following week I actually found this lovely dress (I've been wanting something in grey! It goes so well with my sparkly tights) and at such a bargain too. I love it when my wishes come true. Lately, I've been all about shapeless, shift-like sillhouette dresses, I think they're so romantic.
So what else have I been up to this weekend?
♥ Finally finished Sputnik Sweetheart at Borders. Currently devouring Norwegian Wood which I bought thanks to most of you who recommended it.
♥ Watched The Lovely Bones and How to train your dragon in 3D. Loved them!
♥ Had Korean BBQ for dinner, yum.
♥ Caught up with a few episodes of Skins season 1.
Oh, I would also like to thank dear Iris of Kirei girl da Madrid for this sweet feature she did of me. I can't thank her enough for this wonderful gesture. Love you lots, Iris:)
I'm off to bed now, had a long day. Hopefully I'll get to catch up with all of you tomorrow.
p.s. For those of you who asked about the pictures in my last post, I actually took the pics myself with the help of a tripod (pretty much how I take all my pics actually since the boy is not around). The camera I'm using is the Nikon D3000. And I took the pics at night in my room, some pics with the room lights on and some in the dark with just the fairylights on. I did not have to do much editing at all, I love how it all turned out. Glad most of you enjoyed them as well!
The dress is lovely, chiffon is very lady like :D
Mmmm barbeque sounds good, tell me what does a Korean bbq entail? How is it different?
How are you finding skins?
looking lovely, and i like the new header !!
love your tights!
and i watched the lovely bones as well yesterday, haha :)
I love the dress and tights combination!
Perfect dress for the occasion! :)
sugar darling :)
Darling you look so adorable! That dress is so cute and romantic, I love the soft color and the pretty fabric.. Everything about it is just so cute!
Love, E
a perfect dress!
the dress is lovely...and I am still thinking about the stairs photograph hahahah!!! but love it though...
god bless you dear.
Take care
The dress looks so pretty on you, I love it!
That dress is gorgeous on you Cher! xo
Love the soft colour of your dress.
Sher, what a pretty wedding outfit, looking forward to see, training your dragon in 3d!Sharon xx
I just adore the romanticism in this outfit. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! :) x
That's a very nice chiffon dress:) and all your whichlist is also my whishlist too*teehee*! so madly in love with your wonderful self pictures taken!
Enjoy your fab week my dear friend.
You look so pretty Sher!!! Lovely, lovely...lovely ;)
I love this innocent look on you. You are so gorgeous!
such a pretty chiffon dress! where is it from? :)
Oh oh! This dress is *utterly* delightful! I want it! I adore the collar and the pleated underlay.
Hey darling - I've missed commenting on your posts! It's just so hard with work and things these days... I really love the tights with the dress AND your photos are beautiful as always! <3
*sends love* :)
That's a lovely dress... I also love flowing and soft fabrics on dresses. And the shapeless silhouette is charming and mysterious. You are so beautiful Sher! xoxo
sooo sweet this dress!!! xx cat
CiTiEs of B
You look great! Did you lose weight dear? How'd you find The Lovely Bones? You should read the book too!
Oh my gosh, that is such a beautiful dress! I love the shoes too.
Oh my gosh, that is such a beautiful dress! I love the shoes too.
beautiful outfit , i thought it was a night gown, haha
Sher, this dress is so pretty and your shoes are beautiful too. I think this is a perfect choice to wear to a wedding. I hope you had a good time there, I just love attending weddings.
Chiffon is such an elegant and gorgeous material. It look wonderful on you!
hey lovely! love ur dress and tights .. i love the way the chiffon fabric flowing.. :)
u look pretty as usual :)
yudia aiiu
Sher (or should I say - Kirei girl da Malaysia ;D) this is such an honor! But you really deserve it!
And I must say that this is probably your best outfit ever! I love everthing on this outfit plus the pictures of you. So gorgeous!
You look like a doll!! the dress is beautiful, love the underlayer.
i loooove love this dress! you look so beautiful!!
xo tiffany
Thank you so much for your concern dear, I am okay now...the bruises are healing...and my face is no longer a punching bag thanks to thailands cosmetic injectables...they seemed to work long as I don't look like a walking punching bag...
Anyway I am very thankful that I am safe, thank you again...
The dress is beyond lovely! You look absolutely gorgeous!
I Love this dress Sher, I want to steal it!
such a wonderful outfit. And perfect for a wedding. You look great
This dress is so pretty and romantic, and so is your hair! Soooo lovely. Oh and Korean BBQ sounds delicious!!! :)
This dress is lovely, just like you! =)
Marina G.
You look lovely in this beautiful, floaty dress, which I find has very interesting detailing (like the pleated underskirt). Love that you wore it with light grey tights.
What a beautyfull dress!
i agree. your dress is so romantic. it brings to mind fields of flowers and kisses on a balcony. lol random. thank you for stopping by my blog!
Sweet little dress! Perfect for a wedding:) Do you like attending weddings? :) It seems like you have a lot of them this year! Have fun!
very gorgeous dress! <333
ps. check out my blog:
I love the dress. It's so lovely - I love the lace and pearl detail around the neckline.
you look so cute. and i love the stairway
You're watching skins?. I love it, I'm watching the second season.
Te dress is so sweet! You look lovely.
thanks for your comment dear!
Such a cute dress!!
That is the perfect outfit for a wedding! You look like a doll. Literally. Just perfect.
p.s. don't forget to enter my Peruvian Feather Earring GIVEAWAY!!!! I am very excited about it. First giveaway I have done.
such pretty photos! x
You did an excellent job of self-photography. I wouldn't have known without you writing it. The chiffon dress looks very pretty, soft and feminine.
You did an excellent job of self-photography. I wouldn't have known without you writing it. The chiffon dress looks very pretty, soft and feminine.
You look fantastic sweetie. Love thae camera it takes amazing pics, but of course you are totally gorgeous yourself.
Hetty xoxo
Sher, you look so sweet and gorgeous in your chiffon dress! I love Korean BBQ and I love your stairs :)
SUCH a gorgeous color! :)
the dress is so amazing! its a lovely color for a wedding, light but not white. i also love the fairy light photos in your previous post, how pretty.
This dress is so amazing! I want it toooo! (I love your post below too, its so dreamy!)
Beautfiul dress! xo ava
Beautiful dress, i love the colour.
I love to go to weddings!! You look great in this dress, it's so your style! I'm off to read the feature about you :D
have a fun day!
I'm in SHOCK!!!
You're 29??? Jesus!! I thought you are younger than me and I'm almost 23. You look amazing, Sher!!!
Anyway, you will love Greece, it is great. Don't miss a trip to Mount Olympus, it is the most beautiful natural place I've ever seen :)
You look so pretty!! I love the delicacy of the dress and the way you mixed it with the tights and shoes. I am off to see the featured about yourself. You deserve it!
B* a la Moda
You look gorgeous in the gray!!!! I love it. I'm glad you liked the lovely bones, I loved it too (ps you should read the book- it's so good) and I want to see the dragon movie!
Really pretty dress! I love it :) And I'm 29 too. Why do people act like that's middle-aged? lol..
I love you dress darling, the colour and the cut is to die for. You look very pretty in this dress, but then again, you always look pretty. I truly love coming over and see you beautiful face and nice photos. For some reason, you always remind me of my daughter. Take care luv.
Love & Hugs
I absolutely love the dress you're wearing. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland even though the dress is grey.
Nice the dress! The color is so soft and cute.
It really looks good on you!
Love the new header!! And that outfit is gorgeous! xoxo
So Alice in Wonderland. Haha! :)
so sweet look..amazing...xoxo Eli
Sher darling you look stunning in this dreamy dress. Hope you are having a good week. x
Oh my goodness Sher this dress is gorgeous! And definitely perfect for a wedding! You look soooo pretty! I like the vintage look to it!
I'm so jealous of your wardrobe! If you ever feel like tossing out like 50 of your dresses, send them my way! I will take them with open arms! haha
Hey,I love the color of your tights!
Very cute and sweet:)
really nice blog
Really pretty! I love the blue color.
You look amazing with that dress, Sher!
And thanks to YOU for being such a sweetheart. You are trully amazing and I'm so glad to have found you time ago!
I love you too!
PS. BBQ, yum! :)
What a lovely dress!!!
Your dress is soo cute!! I love everything about it! How cool you saw those movies, I haven't seen them yet :)
Your dress is so sweet !
What a stunning dress! This is my first time on your blog! You're friggin' adorable! :)
love your style so kawai and sweet with the light blue you look like a dream i love it!
i adore this dress, it reminds me of alice in wonderland.
That dress is divine! You look darling {as usual}!! I also love your new header, my sweet. I love twinkle & fairy lights! I have them sprinkled on my bedroom wall. They give off the most beautiful glow! Keep inspiring us all! And, you're previous post....girl, to die for!
That dress is just gorgeous!
elegant and gorgeous dress!
That dress is so lovely ! And I love your sparkly tights :D I really want to watch Lovely Bones and How to Train Your Dragon ! And also Skins ! Is it any good ? Anyway , have a nice day ! xooxx
ooh, that dress is so pretty.
Yum! I love Korean BBQ :)
oh you're adorable :D
love how soft it all looks
great blog!
stop by some time xx
Oh sher you couldn't have wished for a more perfect dress. Oh my it's pretty!!
you lock so cute.. i liked!!
Dress is adorable!
it's sooo sweet and cute! love it
Hello sweetie!Such a lovely outft!
Did you enjoy the lovely bones?I loved that movie.Have a happy weekend.
You look like a doll! Love it. That dress is perfect! I must find one like it.
xx Love & Aloha
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