Somehow it's easier to live in dresses and swirly skirts for me.
And I wonder if it is a bit too late to be jumping onto the studs bandwagon?

Because everything inside is so pink!
I bought a lipgloss called strawberry milk which smells (and tastes) so good too:)

ohh i would love to shop there as well! and enjoy the reunion with your bf! xx cat
CiTiEs of B
You and your sister are so cute. And you look great in pants too. You can wear anything girl.
Awwwww, you have to wait another day to see the BF but it's okay, it's just another day.
Sleep early and relax... tomorrow is a big day.
Great skinny jeans!
Please don't forget to enter the brooches giveaways!
I love cupcakes too! And that last picture? Priceless.
Hey! Thanks for the comment! I love cupcakes too, especially the ones that are colorfully decorated.
Have fun with your bf when he arrives!
Aww. It's just a few more hours sweetie. Love the ring!Ü Big rings, vintage ones are awesome.
Cutness all over the place!
That pink section in the shop looks soo great! I love it!
X, fashionnerdic.
strawberry milk lipgloss sounds so yummy! wat other flavours are on sale?
bf's flight is on new year's eve so he'll be counting down on the plane...ive got so much tat i wanna do wif him in tat short 3 days tat he'll be here!
sorry to hear abt the flight delay! i noe how disappointing it can be... but cheer up! it'll make the meeting more meaningful :)
oo im so sorry it was delayed !!!
thank you so much for your sweet comment ! it makes me feel better, he's leaving for 6 months for sure, but maybe 2 more.. :(
you girls look adorable just like those cupcakes !!
i actually got scared when i saw you wearing "only" these, then i realized, it's not the same weather where you live lol
Hey there. I hope you're having a good weekend. It's been cold and rainy here. Our internet keeps going out so I did want to leave a comment on your blog. Take care. Have a great week. Cheers!
you both look so adorable - i bet you turned alot of heads :0
For all things fashion:
those cupcakes look So good
That store looks so cute! I love when stores put extra effort into the atmosphere. There is a bakery near me that is all pink and silver inside.
♥ Stolen Stiletto
was he coming to NY? the storm is so horrible here!
those are such cute cupcakes :) and love the shoes!
Cupcakes :D
Ooooh the pink chaise is beautiful
You have a lovely blog! xxx
sisters so cute!!! love the ring girl!! =D
Thank you for commenting at my blog, and i've got to say that your outfit is so cute and also are the cupcakes!
Christmas cupcakes, pretty jewels and a gorgeously pink shop? What a great post! Enjoy your time with your boy when he finally arrives. :)
I love the cupcakes and you look gorgeous in jeans! I am sorry your boyfriend's plane is delayed. It always happens. That is why I hate flying now =( xoxo
Lovely pictures! I like the skirt.
Whoops, I meant shirt. hehe.
Awww...delayed! How annoying! But soon, dear sooo soon! My bf will be here tomorrow too! I'm so excited!
Your zippers on your pants are too cute! I love your top as well!
Yeah I kinda know how that feels, but on the bright side he will still be reaching you safe and sound. Then you can have all the hugs and cuddles. xo
Them cupcakes look so yummy!
lovely pics. i really like your skinny jeans. the couch looks great
I want cakes like that!
Time goes slow when we waiting for something...
I like the sofa what u sitting on!
Have a great week!
That outfit looks great on you! Dresses are nice but sometimes you just gotta wear something warmer and more casual.
Enjoy your time with your boyfriend. This weather is being so brutal to people.
Gorgeous ring!
Ah I love those pictures, you guys are adorable. And that shop=my home. Pink? I belong there!
Aha and I agree skirts and dresses are more fun, though right now it's cold so I've been pulling out my jeans alot.
Aw and hey at least you do get to see him tomorrow!
hi, sher! u and ur sis are so adorable! what a fun way to spend her bday:D omgosh, those cupcakes are really cute:) the sheep is my fave, as well:) i'm sorry to hear about the delay in bf's flight:/ i think it will make the reunion tomorrow all the much sweeter:) thx again for ur comment on my blog! i think i may just purchase the cardi today, but i'm still debating about the dress. the holiday shopping has left my bank account a bit on the low side haha! have a wonderful day, sher!
The store looks so gorgeous, love that kind of stores.
I like your t-shirt, I saw a very similar one here. Love how it looks.
The cupcakes looks so yummy!!!
Thanks for your comment as always :)
Ahh!! The agony! You'll see him soon, dear :D I love this post - and the studs and the ring... and the super pink Korean place hehehe :P You look gorgeous and you're ROCKIN' those jeans :)
Hi Sher, you look so pretty,never mind about your bf sweetie stock up on those cupcakes before you know it he will be back! Sharon xox Merry Christmas to you. Sharon xxoo
omg the etude house shop looks so pretty ^^
cute cupcakes and I sorry to hear about the delay :(
you look amazing! I love your shoes!
Oh, I love that sheep-cupcake too... and you look great in trousers, dear!!
I hope you'll meet your bf tomorrow... I'm shure you would!! :)
You girls are so cute! Love that make-up shop, it looks like a dream!
i love yor ring and your sparkly top!
You and your sister and so gorgeous!!
I love the details on your top!!!
I'm so sorry your bf's plane was delayed. I hope you get to see him very soon.
I don't like cupcakes but that sheep is too cute! And cute outfit- love those black wedges! And sorry to hear about your bf- totally know how that feels- my ex bf traveled for months for work and so it was always high anticipation time when I picked him up from the airport!
Oh no! I'm sorry you have to wait to see your bf!! I hate feeling disappointed! It's such a gross feeling! I love cupcakes too!! Yummy! I laughed because I always wear dresses and skirts too!! I only wear pants when its really cold!
You look so glamorous and you and your sister look so cute together - like you're having tons of fun.
It's frustrating to be disappointed like that! At least he'll be there so soon!
The pink store is so cute! I deffinately profer dresses as well :)
What a shame about your bfs plane being delayed.
hi sher! you look lovely in this outfit. i'm with you about dresses and skirts. they are more wearable (for me) than pants. your sister is as gorgeous as you. you look so sweet. it made me wish i have a sister.
the korean store is so pretty! the sofa is so cute i wanna run off with it if i was there.
oh, about your bf. i'm so sorry to hear that. i'd be so disappointed to if I were you. but well, before you know it, he's right there already next to you! have a great day tomorrow Sher. I'm sure you will!
you and your sister are so cute! i love your bracelet and ring. i'm guessing your from korea. i would love to go there someday! :D
mmmm cupcakes!! you gals are adorable! love that turquoise ring :)
Mmmm, those cupcakes look delicious and I love your ring. Its so gorgeous.
Omg yaayness for cupcakes, they look so yummy! :D And that shop is so pretty, i can imagine what cute things they have!
I would love to live in a room that looks as pretty as that makeup store.. You look just darling on the pink sofa! Love your shoes miss!
I love your outfit, and that ring is gorgeous! I also love this little pink sofa you are sitting on in the last picture, adorable!
You're lucky, here is so cold! brrrrrrrr
I want those cakes!
That Korean make up shop looks so cute! It looks like a doll house... but bigger, lol.
Cupcakes are delish! I'm suddenly craving one right now!
I love your top and I think you look great in pants. I also wear skirts and dresses a lot more than pants.
Sher dear,
I just wanted to wish you all the love and whatever you wish for Christmas, maybe some more cupcakes:)
You look very pretty as usual.
thank you for my daily dose of cupcake photos. i want to munch on the one with the fluffy white sheep. :)
you look so pretty in pants, too, sher! i wish my jeans fit me as well as they do on you. and, it's amazing that you can wear sleeveless shirts -- it's so cold here in SF now. lucky girl!
oh, how i hate airline delays! i hope you're united soon.
Ooo, just love all of this.
oh i love this pink beauty shop you're in, i wanna go too!
You two are so sweet and your shoes are amazing! I also love that pink couch. I'd fit into my room very well ;)
i love love your ring. it has such a nice vintage feel to it.
check it out, if you have time - i just started! http://phansheshanna.tumblr.com/
So sorry you had to wait to see your boy! I love your outfit and making cupcakes is always so much fun! XO!
Woooo,I love love cupcakes so much!! The sheep one is really so adorable!
And your sister and you look so beautiful together. heeee Adore adore your ring so much! And Sher,you're never too late to start wearing anything with studs. I love love them so much too right now:)
You look so good in jeans too! First time I'm seeing you wearing jeans,but they look perfect:)
We do have Etude House here too,ohhh are their makeup really good ?
Don't worry on the delay of your boyfriend's flight,good thing is that you both are together now <3
that's gorgeous ring darling !
and the cupcakes decoration are sooo cute ! i just received a box of choco cupcakes with xmas tress and reindeers on it :D
awesome post !
keep up the blogging work .
wish you a merry christmas in 2 days !
visit my blog + comment + follow !
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