2009 has packed up its bags as well and I'm left amazed at how fast 2010 has replaced it.
It hasn't been an easy year for me, the lowest points for me were when I lost my beloved aunt to cancer in early March and my dad had to undergo a heart bypass operation shortly after that. It was also the early struggling period of my long distance relationship with the bf. We went through 9 months of separation before we were reunited in June and embarked on our Eurotrip, which could very well be the highlight of all highlights in my life so far. So even though I've had my share of pain and sadness in the past year, I still thank God for all the blessings in my life, especially my family and my darling of a bf who has always been there for me. I don't think I could ask for anything more than that.
With that said, I'm looking forward to see what 2010 has in store for me. And I'm happy to be starting a new countdown till my next meeting with the bf in June for our next trip to Greece! I hope you guys will stick around to see me through each step of the way, thank you so much for all the lovely comments and support, I truly truly appreciate them ♥
Oh Sher darling, I'm sorry that you had to say goodbye to your boyfriend again today. I hope you are ok. These photos look so pretty, it seems like you had a wonderful time. I am sorry to hear about your aunt and dad as well. I hope this year is filled with happiness.
I love your last two posts as well, that white fur coat is gorgeous! xo
I love the first photo, so cute. Awww it must be really difficult with you and your bf being part, I can't imagine being apart from mine *hugs*
Happy New Year hun :)
lovely photos!!!my dear i understand you..my bf is in army now and i miss him soooo!!!
when you'll come here in Greece..you're gonna have so much fun!!!
Oh Sher, you know that I'm with you every step... it's great that you have something to look forward to... June in Greece is fabulous.
I can see dark circles in your eyes (too much crying I supposed) but you still look so pretty.
Smile... he loves you dearly. xoxo
Looking forward to your next meeting is much better than feeling sad about your current separation. It will come around faster than you think! :)
Aww...June seems so far away! But don't worry...it will turn out all right in the end, I suppose. Being apart like this is only a test of your love and each time you are reunited proves that you are stronger for it. Does that make sense? Well, anyways, much love to you and have a good first couple of days of 2010!
Cheer up, Sher, I'll send you all my love and good thinkings for you, dear :**** I know this is hard, but I'm sure you can with it!!
Take your bad memories from 2009, learn from them and after that, put them on a box and keep it close... and then, take the good memories and put them on your wall... so you can always smile when you look at them ;)!
And of course I'll be around here for seeing those beautiful Greece's pictures you will take!!
Happy new year, Sher!
I hope that 2010 is wonderful for you. The fact that you and your boyfriend can make it through such long times apart is just proof of how much you love each other! Greece will be amazing!!!
Ohh Sher...it's so hard to say goodbye..the photos it's so cute!!
Oh Sher I feel for you. It's pretty weird right? You were okay with the distance but once they visit you and you spend everyday doing the same things together, why is so hard to let go? Time flies so fast, just keep your self busy for the moment and savor all the memories.
I am really feeling your sadness, it's going to be okay dear.
Greece is something to really look forward to! How lovely, hope the time is fast for you. Happy New Year!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Hey! so sorry you and the bf had to part =( I'm sure 2010 will bring you nothing but joy! Amazing photos!
hey sweetie. thinking of you. Start look forward and planning your trip to Greece. it will be perfect.
Oh Sher, you are such a strong woman. I never knew you went through so many things. They all make you even more beautiful in my eyes. Goodbye is the saddest word. xoxo
so sweet photos of sweets :)
I hope this year will be happy, lucky, friendly and lovely for u!
These photos are gorgeous! My heart is actually aching for you, but June will be here in no time. I wish you the happiest 2010 <3
Sher, your words are so heartful. I hope the time will race past until June arrives. I wish you all the best for 2010, my dear. ♥
Hy Sher1 Thank you for the comment!
Just wanted to say: " Cheer up!" You have to be happy because you have somebody who loves you and that you love back! This is wonderful!
Enjoy all the beauty of life, even if you are alone some times :)
Gorgeous photos,
and remember, it's not goodbye, it's "see you later"
(that's what I used to say when my friends left for uni, it helped make it less finite)
Yay 2010! :)
Your beautiful post brought tears to my eyes. I know how hard it is to say goodbye and especially to hang in there during the difficult challenges. You are an incredibly strong person and I am excited to see what 2010 has in stored for you both.
Lots of love,
Happy New Year!
Aww. This is a beautiful post. Regardless of whatever life throws at us, what's important is that we bring with us lessons from our different experiences.
How did you do it? You've survived a long-distance relationship. You have to give me tips! Happy New Year Sher.
Had to say goodbye to my girls after Christmas. Grrrrr. I hate it. Their rooms look so empty.
Oh Sher *hug* Reading this post made my heart ache too - June will be here before you know it, absence makes the heart grow fonder and you're right - we are SO blessed :)
omg i am in love with the frothy heart. sooo cute!
happy new year
Dear, I wish you a very happy new year !
Hope this year is wonderful for you - it must have been so bittersweet to say goodbye to your boyfriend! I really feel for you.
oh i'm excited ALREADY to hear about your adventures in greece haha ;)
Oh, nooo. I am sad that it got to the end... So sorry. At least you had great days with him. Now you can look at the pictures and remember those moments.
B* a la Moda
Sorry about having to say goodbye!!! Hope your okay :)
I am really looking forward to the new year aswell :) Hope it goes well!! www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3
Looks lovely. I'm glad you enjoyed it even if it was bittersweet.
sher ! i hope you had yourself a great new yrs :) see you into the new yr. cheers
xx lue
oh sher. i feel for you both and i can only imagine how much you long to be with him.
june (and greece) will be here before you know it, sher.
i'm sure u're missing him already! tats how i felt the 1st week back home in singapore too. but cheer up! u'll get to meet him soon & its a trip 2gether to greece! what better place to celebrate the reunion rite? =D
2009 hasnt been an easy year for me as well. my family got into this mistaken identity ting with moneylenders who harassed us every 2 or 3 days; each time tat happened, the police were called & it was just depressing, esp when they acted up again on my bday last year. i was so upset my mum told me to go live with my aunt for the time being... i guess my depressed state put more pressure on them as well.
n then my bro got in2 this accident which required him to go thru an operation on vday (it was also the 2nd mth anniv with his gf & he was all excited abt it). it pained me that i wasnt able to be ard him during that difficult period in his life cos i was alr back in melb.
n then there was this ting with my bf which i am still deciding whether or not to share on my blog. cos my bro sumtimes reads my blog & i dun wan my parents to come to noe of it...
so im hoping my family n myself will have better luck this year & am sincerely wishing the same for u n ur family!
Aw...That makes me a little sad that you had to say goodbye! I'm sure that wasn't easy. I think that long distance relationships are very difficult, but are very strong relationships for people who work hard to make them happen. I love the pictures of your new year tea! Really cute!
aw hun, saying goodbye is the hardest... although it looks like greece will be amazing! hopefully 2010 will be fabulous for all of us =) happy new year!
I am sorry you are missing him!! Greece will be awesome!
That food looks amazing! I'm sorry you had to say bye to him...if you work hard you can do it, I believe in you!
oh dear, I can just tell from your writing that it was so hard to say goodbye to your boy :( Hang in there though, I bet your Greece trip will come around before you know it! :)
Heres to 2010 bringing you more visits from the BF! Rooting for the two of you!
I really love love the first photo with the heart in the cup of coffee!
So sorry to hear on your boyfriend leaving today. But just keep staying positive and smiling Sher! I know you're a strong girl and everything will be alright :)
I wish you a awesome 2010 and I can't wait for your trip in June too. Must be soooo exciting!
You love green tea ice cream too? Yeahhh and I love velvet too<3
happy new year dear!!
just hope the best for your love story,, :*
great photos!!
love the flares too much,,
ooo so sad for you :( Hopefully June comes faster for you than the distance it seems at the moment.
I do love your photos.
i though this was gonna be a happy post after seeing the first picture but turns out it wasnt :( sorry that things didnt end easy for 2009 . i hope you're feeling better darling ..
i do hope 2010 will be brighter for everyone of us ! i also think that god blesses us in every situation .
your blog is a good source for inspiration .
many thanks to the comment you left :D
visit / comment / follow me .
glisters and blisters
the pictures are very nice.i hope u'll manage to be happy and without him around all the time.
have fun ;)
the cake look so delish! it must be very hard for you to say goodbye to your bf, but you prove that long distance relationship really works. wish u a fab year ahead <3
Oh I can totally relate.. I am moving in a few days away from my boyfriend and its been making the last few days unbearably sad.. I look at it as something we need to do in order to be fulfilled career wise but it doesnt make it any less painful. Chin up, it will all fall into place someday.
Greece! oh you're so lucky, i'm jealous :) i'm sure the wait will be worth it <3
Awe, it is always so hard to say goodbye....but a trip to Greece sounds AMAZING!!!! I can't wait to see and hear all about it. I love your beautiful blog and these photos are so magical.
that was a lovely post...i am sorry you had to say goodbye to him again... i really admire you for going thru this with such a good spirit... !!!
Oh my Dear, that must be very hard, I didn't know that was a so long distance relationship! I hope the following 6 months will not be too hard for you, Thank god there is Skype... Thank you for sharing with us your feelings so honestly, I'm totally supporting you. I wish you the best for 2010, hoping this is not gonna be too hard. Good Luck Dear.
i love when there are cute little designs in my cappuccino!
Looking forward to your next meeting is much better than feeling sad about your current separation,
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